Discription of images above
The Tableware Succession series - Photography for Design Label Petite Friture (Paris). In collaboration with Studio Appétit.
Things of Edible beauty // Luscious Food Cravings in collaboration with Studio Lenneke Wispelwey // Elixer Drinking History Photography for Studio Appétit. This is a multidisciplinary experience design studio, specializing in Eating Design and culinary oriented projects. Among the studio's various products you can find design objects, edible products, eating installations, brand experiences, dining concepts, restaurant art direction, lectures, workshops and much more. The studio is headed by designer and chef Ido Garini.
Rabobank Hardenberg fine art collection - photographs made for the Rabobank in collaboration with Quub (interior projects). They asked me to make still life images of crops grown in the region of the office building. A total of twelve images were printed, for use in a wall interior installation. And additionally, several images were printed on wallpaper used for the office walls.
Interior fine art photography for Stadsvilla Sonsbeek. In collaboration with Quub interiors, these images were made to decorate an old building situated in Park Sonsbeek, Arnhem. It has recently been renovated into a restaurant and venue location. In the past the building had lost some of it's historical character. It has been used as a manor house, school, hotel, and art gallery. Through this installation, consisting of a total of 29 images, a little piece of its diverse history is brought back and its story told.